Bonetti – THE RIGHT CUT – Interview on Platinum – IlSole24Ore
We are able to accept any challenge in terms of product to meet the needs of our clients, but we start with a definite advantage, which is our intellectual honesty. In this way, we make a real effort each day to find problem solving solutions for every market need”.
The words of Antonio Bonetti, founder and owner of Bonet- ti Costruzioni Meccaniche, who, with tenacity and far-sightedness, runs the company together with his brother Rodolfo, who confirms the words of his father, “We offer ourselves up as consultants for a global clientele in the field of saws and cutting tools, our core business. We always have an answer, and we do everything we can to develop the customized machinery which our clients request of us”. And these clients are not just anyone they belong to many varied industry of application and come from all over the world.
Bonetti Costruzioni Meccaniche saws are used for cutting metals (like steel and aluminum), cutting tires for testing finished products, in the nuclear industry, for dismantling central power plants, and for recycling big tires (Otrs, with a 4.2 meter dia- meter). “That last item is a special application which has been greatly developed in the last two years. But after all, in the tire sector we have clients like Pirelli, Michelin, Bridgestone, Good Year, and Continental. Some of these brands have put our machinery in their catalogues! – explains Rodolfo Bonetti. Another market niche for which this company from Castelleone is much acknowledged at international scale is for the high-speed cutting of aluminum.
The company is a reliable partner of companies like Alcoa, Alenia, Airoldi, Aviometal, and TWMetals. “We have clients all over the world, but in the end, one of our most promising markets is Russia. We have just inaugurated a pro- duction unit twenty minutes from the center of Moscow which will build our machinery directly on site. It is there- fore Made in Russia, but with Italian technology.
We are the first Italian company to produce directly in the Russian capital – affirms Antonio Bonetti with pride. And for the future? The company, whose earnings show a stable +20% in growth, intends to grow even more. But it has already done so many times. Founded in 1979, it doubled its number of warehouses in the early nineties, and then tripled its production area in 2014. Today is has 3,500 square meters of roofed space on an area of 8000 sq. meters, and is in the course of amplifying its offices to better welcome clients and guests.
“We have around thirty employees between our factory and offices, but our in-house production ability is now saturated, and we are using outsourcing, adding another 25 people. Even for the future we wish to supply our clients with machinery that is 100% operational, never just pro- totypes, and which allows us to bring to a successful conclusion work done in a concrete and efficient way. And above all, we focus on guaranteeing equipment with a long-life, able to last twenty or thirty years without special maintenance. This too, for us, means quality, in addition to an impeccable service anywhere in the world – concludes Rodolfo Bonetti.